U12 Girls won their first Game Ever! 4-1

No jogo inaugural da primeira equipa feminina sub-12 do Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club, pairava no ar uma sensação de entusiasmo e expectativa. Ao vestirem com orgulho as cores do clube, as Mini-ladies entraram em campo com o coração cheio de determinação. Seu desempenho inaugural foi brilhante. Com coragem e trabalho de equipa, deixando uma impressão duradoura de que as Mini-ladies são uma força a ter em conta. O resultado final de 4-1 a seu favor, dão a promessa de um futuro brilhante para esta equipa recém-formada que brilharam neste sábado memorável.

In the inaugural game of the first-ever U12 girls’ team from the Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club, a sense of excitement and anticipation hung in the crisp air. As the young athletes donned their club colors with pride, they took to the field with hearts full of determination and a thirst for competition. Their maiden performance was a testament to their months of hard work and dedication during training. With grit and teamwork, they gave their opponents a run for their money, leaving a lasting impression that Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club’s girls were a force to be reckoned with. The final score with 4-1 in their favor, their spirited effort and the promise of a bright future for this newly formed team shone brightly on that memorable day.

U 8 First outdoor tournament!

A equipa Sub-8 embarcou numa jornada emocionante no seu primeiro torneio de três jogos, incendiando o campo com suas atuações excepcionais. Com determinação e inegável trabalho em equipa, garantiram a vitória em cada partida, pintando um quadro triunfante de jovens talentos florescendo no campo de Hóquei. As suas notáveis ??três vitórias não só demonstraram as suas crescentes habilidades e dedicação, mas também deixaram os espectadores maravilhados com o futuro brilhante que aguarda esta equipa promissora

The U8 team embarked on an exhilarating journey through their first three-game tournament, setting the field ablaze with their exceptional performances. With determination and undeniable teamwork, they secured victory in each match, painting a triumphant picture of young talent flourishing on the Hockey pitch. Their remarkable three wins not only showcased their burgeoning skills and dedication but also left spectators in awe of the bright future awaiting this promising team.

Super Cup Winners and an unbeatable run!! Go Ladies

In a remarkable display of skill and determination, the Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club women’s team secured their place in the annals of field hockey history by clinching their third consecutive Super Cup title with a thrilling 5-3 victory. The match was a true testament to the team’s cohesion and talent, with each player contributing their utmost to the victory. Isabel Gregg set the tone with a brilliantly executed goal, showcasing her precision and finesse. Juliana Diaz added to the tally with a well-timed strike that left the opposition’s defense stunned. However, the real hero of the day was Yanina Rojas, who exhibited sheer brilliance on the field by netting an incredible hat-trick. Rojas’s three goals not only sealed the Super Cup victory but also established a new record for the longest consecutive run of field hockey games without losing, a remarkable feat that will be remembered for generations to come.

The Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club women’s team’s journey to this historic achievement was a testament to their dedication, hours of rigorous training, and an unwavering spirit. With each passing game, they demonstrated an exceptional level of teamwork and determination that left spectators in awe. As they celebrated their third Super Cup win, the team stood as a shining example of what can be achieved through perseverance and unity. Their remarkable achievement not only cements their legacy in the sport but also inspires countless young athletes to dream big and reach for the stars in the world of field hockey. The Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club women’s team’s Super Cup victory will be remembered as a defining moment in the sport’s history, a glorious chapter in their own journey, and a source of inspiration for future generations of field hockey players.

SAY WHATT??? The Ladies won the EuroHockey Club Challenge III!!

In a historic and awe-inspiring moment, the Ladies clinched the European championship title in their inaugural participation, etching their name in the club’s lore by securing their first-ever international trophy. Against formidable opponents, the team exhibited a blend of grit, passion, and unwavering determination that propelled them to unprecedented heights. Showcasing their immense talent and tactical acumen, the Lisbon Casuals displayed a masterful command of the game, executing intricate plays and demonstrating exceptional teamwork. Their journey to the summit of European hockey was a testament to their relentless pursuit of excellence, as they overcame challenges, defeated established powerhouses, and captivated fans with their relentless pursuit of victory, Janina Rojas from Lisbon Casuals was nominated player of the tournament. With their triumphant achievement, the Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club women’s team has forever left an indelible mark on the sport, inspiring generations to come and solidifying their place in club history as pioneers and champions.

Ladies did it again! Champions!

After winning the indoor Championship, the triumphant journey of Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club’s women’s team culminated in an awe-inspiring victory as they clinched the 4th championship title. With unwavering determination, exceptional skill, and a deep-rooted passion for the game, these extraordinary athletes showcased their unwavering commitment and relentless teamwork throughout the tournament. Their relentless pursuit of excellence, tactical prowess, and unmatched resilience propelled them to overcome formidable opponents and emerge as the true champions. This historic achievement not only reflects the team’s remarkable sporting prowess but also exemplifies the indomitable spirit of Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club and the unwavering support of their ardent fans.