U12 Girls won their first Game Ever! 4-1

No jogo inaugural da primeira equipa feminina sub-12 do Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club, pairava no ar uma sensação de entusiasmo e expectativa. Ao vestirem com orgulho as cores do clube, as Mini-ladies entraram em campo com o coração cheio de determinação. Seu desempenho inaugural foi brilhante. Com coragem e trabalho de equipa, deixando uma impressão duradoura de que as Mini-ladies são uma força a ter em conta. O resultado final de 4-1 a seu favor, dão a promessa de um futuro brilhante para esta equipa recém-formada que brilharam neste sábado memorável.

In the inaugural game of the first-ever U12 girls’ team from the Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club, a sense of excitement and anticipation hung in the crisp air. As the young athletes donned their club colors with pride, they took to the field with hearts full of determination and a thirst for competition. Their maiden performance was a testament to their months of hard work and dedication during training. With grit and teamwork, they gave their opponents a run for their money, leaving a lasting impression that Lisbon Casuals Hockey Club’s girls were a force to be reckoned with. The final score with 4-1 in their favor, their spirited effort and the promise of a bright future for this newly formed team shone brightly on that memorable day.